DStv Channel 403 Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Telecomm association calls for govt intervention as mobile networks battle to stay connected

JOHANNESBURG - The Association of Comms and Technology CEO Nomvuyiso Batyi says they are asking government to consider the provision of a diesel rebate and to increase penalties for economic sabotage of physical infrastructure.

The call comes after R10-billion has been spent over the past two years to protect and sustain mobile network infrastructure during power cuts.

ACT represents amongst others Rain, MTN, Vodacom, and Cell C.

READ: Why your cellphone loses signal during load-shedding

Batyi says the frequent and unplanned power cuts hamper their ability to provide their services.

"We are asking government to take action because connectivity is a basic right," she said.

If you think of an emergency, say you fall at your house and you want to call and you cannot connect because currently some of the schedules that are coming out for load shedding, they change, you know this schedule and then it changes and it makes for poor planning for the members of ACT."

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