Fedusa: Nersa’s electricity price hike is an insult

Fedusa says the increase shouldn't be implemented and the decision should be revisited.

JOHANNESBURG - Nersa's decision to hike Eskom's tariff is an insult.

It will hit many South Africans hard as price hikes for basic goods and necessities are likely to increase.

That's the view of the Federation of Unions of South Africa.

READ: SA's electricity crisis | Eskom wants clarity on Nersa calculations

The union body says the increase shouldn't be implemented and the decision should be revisited.

It says citizens are paying a high price for electricity they rarely use due to consistent blackouts.

"It is not just an insult, it is disingenuous for Nersa to even be affording this increase," said Riefdah Ajam, Fedusa's general secretary.

"It doesn’t only support small businesses but it will also trigger an influx of retrenchments process and workers will be in the first line."

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