Concerns over copyright, performers' amendment bills
JOHANNESBURG - The Recording Industry of South Africa has voiced concerns about harmful provisions in the Copyright Amendment and Performers’ Protection Amendment bills.
The sector says this bill could force creatives to take legal action each time their work is used without their permission.
READ: Everything you need to know about intellectual property
The legislation is now in the final leg of a second parliamentary process and could be passed this year.
The recording industry is calling on government to hold public hearings and consult broadly before they pass the bills.
Recording Industry of South Africa CEO Nhlanhla Sibisi said, "I can see how the artists are not finding excitement when they read the provision, it's not like the department and I guess everyone else should've taken their time to go through various performers, and creators in the sector and explain precisely what these bills seek to achieve."
"So that they can voice their concerns in their languages, I've attended the provincial hearings, it was sad because some of the concepts can not be explained in a mother tongue or a language that is understood by the various sectors and the department has not translated, as they were supposed to, the provisions that are being put to the public into languages that they can understand."
"In some cases, the bills were not even put in front of the communities where these public hearings were taking place. So I think it's a rushed process, I think we can do better."
"I feel the department should press pause and then engage effectively with performers and explain in detail the impact of some of these provisions on their livelihoods."