National Shutdown | Presidency issues stern warning

The EFF has threatened to bring the country's economy to a standstill on Monday calling for an end to power cuts and for Cyril Ramaphosa to resign as president.

JOHANNESBURG - The Presidency has issued a stern warning over the Economic Freedom Fighters shutdown, saying attempts to cause disruptions will be met with the full might of the law.

The EFF has threatened to bring the country's economy to a standstill on Monday calling for an end to power cuts and for Cyril Ramaphosa to resign as president.

READ: National shutdown | BUSA says threats must not be tolerated

The shutdown has been met with criticism from different sectors.

Taxi body Santaco also said they will not support the shutdown and will be running taxis.

Meanwhile, the government says the security cluster is prepared to deal with any disruptions and will deploy the army if necessary.

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