SA’s hunger crisis | Big disparity between child grant and food poverty line

JOHANNESBURG - The South African Human Rights Commission wants food insecurity in the Eastern Cape declared a disaster.

The Commission’s Dr Eileen Carter says there a huge disparity between the child grants and the food poverty line.

She says interventions should be put in place to address the crisis.

READ: SA’s hunger crisis | Gift of the Givers pleads for more help

"This was an inquiry we held last year in the Eastern Cape because of the prevelance what is called severe child malnutrition.

"The children are not getting access to enough food. So the inquiry was held and we called to the fore a lot of stakeholders to give evidence under oath," she said.

"We said the child support grant must upped to at least meet the poverty food line. The amount currently is R510, but the food poverty is R760."

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